„Lately, I’ve been finding my way back to myself and feel a sense of calm and euphoria simultaneously. Most of my life, I have felt like I am either not enough or entirely too much, but really I am just ME - a multi-faceted human being with many aspects of my identity that make up who I am. I’m a woman, I’m vegan, I’m a dancer, I’m a makeup lover, I’m trans, I’m human, I’m the Alien Mermaid Barbie. I hope that by being fully, unabashedly myself that I inspire others to explore and express the parts of themselves that they may sometimes feel the need to hide or suppress. Life is worth living, beyond existing, and it is my wish that we all feel more Joy and more Love, both from ourselves, and those around us.“ - Seana Steele

„I‘ve never been one to live in fear. I have always been unapologetically me and I think my fashion and the way I present myself really represents that. I am femme, I am fierce, but I am also masculine which is represented with my facial hair. I am comfortable with he/she/they pronouns because I feel like an entity of all genders.

With that, I stick out on the street quite well. People see body of a woman, with a full man head, usually without makeup. It gathers a significant amount of questioning stares. One of the reasons I got into modeling is to show those like me that we are visible and valid in the world. To keep pushing past the haters and chase your dream.“ - Dalen Keswick

„It's funny that all of my physical features that I appreciate the most today were once my biggest insecurities. Growing up whenever someone would say that I looked like a girl or was too feminine it would nearly break me. I would do everything in could to not look that way. I figured that if I could just be "socially acceptable" I would feel better about myself. It was a long process for me to get to where I am today. I truly love, accept and appreciate everything that comes with me. The way God built my body. The way my insides match my outsides. I look how I feel. Actually I feel better than I look. Now I'm no longer uncomfortable even if some members of society are uncomfortable. I don't take on other people's fears and insecurities. It's freeing to say the least.

My hope is that all people can get to the point of self acceptance. Because when you TRULY accept yourself you accept others as they are.“ - LiLi

All talent represented by Wespeak
Fashion from Lidow Archive
Makeup by LB Charles

Essay style portrait inspired by Dominique Wynne